Singing Guide: Ed Sheeran feat. Chance the Rapper & PnB Rock

Singing Guide: Ed Sheeran feat. Chance the Rapper & PnB Rock

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing like Ed Sheeran can feel like a daunting task, but with some knowledge and resources, it can become more achievable. One of the unique characteristics of Ed Sheeran's singing is his ability to blend the genres of pop, hip-hop, and folk, creating a unique sound that has become his recognizable style. In this article, we will give you tips for learning to sing like Ed Sheeran and incorporate some of Singing Carrots' online educational content to help you along the way.

  • Step 1: Know your vocal range

Before you start singing like Ed Sheeran, it is important to know your voice. You can take Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine the range of your voice and see how it compares to Ed Sheeran's range.

  • Step 2: Listen and learn

Take some time to listen to Ed Sheeran's music, paying particular attention to the way he sings. Focus on his breath control, range, and emotion.

  • Step 3: Practice with songs

To practice singing like Ed Sheeran, you can try singing some of his songs, such as "Beautiful People," featuring Chance the Rapper and PnB Rock. Singing Carrots' Song Search feature can help you find Ed Sheeran's songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

  • Step 4: Work on breathing

Ed Sheeran uses a lot of breathy vocals in his songs. To achieve this, you need to understand how to control your breath while singing. Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles provide excellent guidance on how to master this technique and give you tools for practicing.

  • Step 5: Experiment with vocal registers

Like many singers, Ed Sheeran uses multiple vocal registers in his singing, from a clean head voice to a gritty chest voice. Singing Carrots' Voice Registers & Vocal Break article will teach you about these registers and how you can control them.

  • Step 6: Develop your own sound

While Ed Sheeran's sound can be a useful starting point, it is essential to find your unique voice. Singing Carrots' How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice article gives you tips and exercises for discovering and developing your vocal style.

Singing like Ed Sheeran is a challenging yet rewarding pursuit. With practice, knowledge, and dedication, you can develop new skills that allow you to sing like one of the most recognizable voices in the music industry. With Singing Carrots' resources, you have the tools you need to refine your craft and become the artist you've always wanted to be.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.